My main research interests are in the fields of tectonics, structural geology, paleodrainage and geochronology.
2023 to date, Senior Intern at the Weizmann Institute of Science.
2019-2022, Research Fellow at the Geological Survey of Israel.
2018-2019, Research Fellow at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
2016-2017, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
2016, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD - Dean's Award), The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (PDF).
2009, Masters in Geology (MSc - Valedictorian), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (PDF - in Hebrew).
2005, Bachelor in Geology (BSc), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
2023 to date, Senior Intern at the Weizmann Institute of Science.
2019-2022, Research Fellow at the Geological Survey of Israel.
2018-2019, Research Fellow at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
2016-2017, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
2016, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD - Dean's Award), The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (PDF).
2009, Masters in Geology (MSc - Valedictorian), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (PDF - in Hebrew).
2005, Bachelor in Geology (BSc), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
2011, Masters of Industrial Design (MID - With Honours), Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
Was one of the founders and an active member of the StudioSofash Design Group.
Was one of the founders and an active member of the StudioSofash Design Group.

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
(Google scholar)- Shaanan U., Mushkin A., Rasmussen M., Sagy A., Meredith P., Nara Y., Keanini R. and Eppes M.C.Y., 2023, Progressive fracturing in alluvial clasts: GSA Bulletine, in Press.
- Itkin D,. Poch R-M., Monger H-C., Shaanan U., Bolòs J., Crouvi O., Ben-Hagai N. and Goldfus H., 2022, Pedology of archaeological stone-wall bench terraces: Geoderma, v.428 p. 116129.
- Shaanan U., Avigad D., Morag N., Güngör T., and Gerdes A., 2020, Drainage response to Arabia–Eurasia collision: Insights from provenance examination of the Cyprian Kythrea flysch (Eastern Mediterranean Basin): Basin Research, v. 33 p. 26– 47.
- Campbell J. M., Rosenbaum G., Allen C., Mortimer N. and Shaanan U., 2020, Episodic behavior of the eastern Gondwanan margin: insights from detrital zircon petrochronology from the Murihiku Terrane, New Zealand: Lithos, v. 356-357, p. 105367.
- Abdullah R., Shaanan U., Lynn K. and Rosenbaum G., 2019, Provenance and deformation history of the eastern Thomson Orogen and implication for the Paleozoic evolution of the Tasmanides (eastern Australia): Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 67, no. 2, p. 153-173.
- Abdullah R., Nugroho R., Rosenbaum G., Doublier M.P., Shaanan U. and Zwingmann, H., 2019, Evidence for deformation in the Cambrian-Ordovician Warburton Basin and implications for the evolution of the Tasmanides (eastern Australia): Tectonics. v. 38, p. 1532-1555.
- Manchee P., Bianchi V., Shaanan U. and Esterle J., 2019, Sedimentary and drainage evolution of the Condamine Valley Transition Zone (eastern Australia): Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 66, no. 4, p. 531-545.
- Shaanan U., Rosenbaum G. and Campbell M. J., 2019, Detrital fingerprint: The use of early Precambrian zircon age spectra as unique identifiers of Phanerozoic terranes: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 506, p. 97-103.
- Campbell M. J., Shaanan U., Rosenbaum G., Allen C., Cluzel D. and Maurizot, P., 2018, Permian rifting and isolation of New Caledonia: Evidence from detrital zircon geochronology: Gondwana Research, v. 60, p. 54-68.
- Itkin D., Crouvi O., Monger H. C., Shaanan U. and Goldfus H., 2018, Pedology of archaeological soils in tells of the Judean foothills, Israel: Catena, v. 168, p. 47-61.
- Shaanan U., Rosenbaum G., Hoy D. and Mortimer N., 2018, Late Paleozoic geology of the Queensland Plateau (offshore northeastern Australia): Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 65, no. 3, p. 357-366.
- Hoy D., Rosenbaum G., Mortimer N. and Shaanan U., 2018, Hunter-Bowen deformation in South Percy Island, northeastern Australia: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 65, no. 2, p. 175-190.
- White L., Rosenbaum G., Shaanan U. and Allen C., 2018, Reply to: “Comment on: Orocline-driven transtensional basins: Insights from the Lower Permian Manning Basin (eastern Australia) by White et al. (2016)”: Tectonics, v. 37, no. 1, p. 396-399.
- Shaanan U., Rosenbaum G. and Sihombing F., 2018, Continuation of the Ross-Delamerian Orogen: Insights from eastern Australian detrital-zircon data: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, in press.
- Shaanan U. and Rosenbaum G., 2018, Detrital zircons as palaeodrainage indicators: Insights into southeastern Gondwana from Permian basins in eastern Australia: Basin Research, v. 30, p. 36-47.
- Campbell M. J., Shaanan U., and Verdel C., 2017, Fold-interference patterns in the Bowen Basin, northeastern Australia: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 64, no. 5, p. 577-585.
- Fielding R. C., Shaanan U. and Rosenbaum G., 2016, Sedimentological evidence for rotation of the Early Permian Nambucca block (eastern Australia): Lithosphere, v. 8, no. 6, p. 684-698.
- White L., Rosenbaum G., Allen C. and Shaanan U., 2016, Orocline-driven transtensional basins: Insights from the Lower Permian Manning Basin (eastern Australia): Tectonics, v.35 p. 690-703.
- Pisarevsky S.A., Rosenbaum G., Shaanan U., Hoy D., Speranza F., Mochales T., 2016, Paleomagnetic and geochronological study of Carboniferous forearc basin rocks in the southern New England Orogen (eastern Australia): Tectonophysics, v. 681, p. 263-277.
- Shaanan U., Rosenbaum G. and Wormald R., 2015, Provenance of the Early Permian Nambucca Block (eastern Australia) and implications for the role of trench retreat in accretionary orogens: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 127, no. 7-8, p. 1052-1063.
- Shaanan U., Rosenbaum G., Pisarevsky S. and Speranza F., 2015, Paleomagnetic data from the New England Orogen (eastern Australia) and implications for oroclinal bending: Tectonophysics, v. 664, p. 182-190.
- Campbell M. J., Rosenbaum G., Shaanan U., Fielding C. R. and Allen C., 2015, The tectonic significance of lower Permian successions in the Texas Orocline (Eastern Australia): Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 62, no. 7, p. 789-806.
- Shaanan U., Rosenbaum G., Li P. and Vasconcelos P., 2014, Structural evolution of the Early Permian Nambucca Block (New England Orogen, eastern Australia) and implications for oroclinal bending: Tectonics, v. 33, no. 7, p. 1425-1443.
- Hoy D., Rosenbaum G., Wormald R. and Shaanan U., 2014, Geology and geochronology of the Emu Creek Block (northern New South Wales, Australia) and implications for oroclinal bending in the New England Orogen: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 61, no. 8, p. 1109-1124.
- Itkin D., Geva-Kleinberger A., Yaalon D., Shaanan U., and Goldfus H., 2012, Nāri in the Levant: Historical and etymological aspects of a specific calcrete formation: Earth Sciences History, v.31, no. 2, p. 210-228.
- Shaanan U., Porat N., Navon O., Weinberger R., Calvert A. and Weinstein Y., 2011, OSL dating of a Pleistocene maar: Birket Ram, the Golan heights: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 201, no. 1-4, p. 397-403.
Theses and major exhibitions
- Shaanan U., 2016. Formation of the New England Oroclines: Insights from Permian Sedimentary Basins in Eastern Australia. Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at The University of Queensland, 218 pp (PDF).
- Shaanan U., 2011. Integrative StudioBook: Book submitted as a graduation project for the degree of Master of Industrial Design at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Technion - Israeli Technology Institution, 57 pp (PDF).
- Shaanan U., Stein M., Weinstein Y., Weinberger R. and Navon O. 2009. Maar Birket Ram. Conference field excursion - Israel Geological Society annual meeting, Kfar Blum, Israel (field guide - in Hebrew).
- Shaanan U., 2009. Birket Ram maar. Thesis for the Degree of Master of Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 79 pp (PDF - in Hebrew).
- Shaanan U., Verdel C., 2013. Hunter Valley Photogrammetry Project. The University of Queensland, Australia (PDF).
- Shaanan U., 2009. Birket Ram maar. Geological Survey of Israel, Jerusalem. Report: GSI/13/2009, (PDF - in Hebrew).
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